I'm guilty of not updating my blog,lol. Got too many things to juggle, work, my bass and army. Other than that, things are going fine. Anyways, some sketches from May onwards, cheers!
Another update. Heh, gotta try to update more often. Been spending more time with my bass, and finally starting to be able to get a good groove laid out. I absolutely have no idea how bassists for rock bands such as Iron Maiden can go so fast without having their fingers burnt off lol.
On another hand I saw something really funny on one of my trips back home on the train. I saw two smartly dressed fellas whispering “I’ll sue you!” to each other. I guess they are most probably trainee lawyers (since they were around my age), maybe that’s how they train for court cases, maybe.
Either ways, more sketches, including one inspired by those two(probably) lawyers.
As the title suggests, the weather has taken a nasty turn for the worse recently. A normal day starts off with a blistering morning, followed by a heavy shower around lunch time, then a humid evening and finally a warm AND humid night, ugh. I was really missing the days of a nice cool morning with a strong breeze.
Was discussing with my friend over lunch about the end of the world and I think our generation might just be able to see the earth’s last few days. Hmm, better start digging those fallout shelters and fixing up that power armor……lol, just kidding. Either ways, some recent doodles from Niko’s paintchat:
Been very very busy with work, got lots of things going around. I can't really say its not uncommon in this job line. Haven't had the time to freely doodle until recently, and even so, I still gotta spend time with my bass, which I have been neglecting lol. Arrgh I need longer weekends damnnit.
Either ways I'm gonna have to make my weekends count, with army's reservice coming up near the mid of the year (I think). Oh, the days of mosquito storms and instant noodles are bearing their familiar and ugly head lol. Then again I won't mind shooting a gun, kinda miss the adrenaline rush at when running, stopping and then shooting the target before running off again.
Here is a quick sketch done at work. Had the inspiration from some very groovy songs and my lunch lol. Was eating some greens for lunch and an idea hit me to draw an attractive female alien. So when I got back from lunch, sat down and drew it out in Flash and here she is. :)
A new blog! Well not really, just that I had this long ago and never bothered to update it and such. However, since I started working, I found myself really needing to rant even more, or just do some silly musings lol. I initially used Deviant Art for this purpose, but I found that it was a bit too messy for me. Having 1000+ messages and deviations pile up and having to go through them really puts me off. I really appreciate and read through them, but life now is way too busy to spend time on that. Back then in college/poly, I had the time and luxury to do that, but now it’s only when I post something or have a pinch of free time to reply etc.
So, to put things right, I'll be putting my Deviant Art account aside for now, I'll still update it occasionally now and then. But most of the other things I'll just drop it in this blog. Expect this blog to be updated much more frequently (I hope) than my DA account. If you are someone I know from DA, I really appreciate you visiting this blog.I'll be able to answer much more readily rather than a few weeks later, which happens most of the time in DA for me. lol
Majority of this blog will contain quick sketches I do in Niko’s paintchat, which is a site that hosts a Java based drawing application. You can find me there from time to time under the handle "Mervkarov". I should be there at night (SG time) if there are no major projects that eat my time lol.
What to expect in this chat? Well, sometimes there will be a few random rants and stuff about work, society, politics and whatnot. If you disagree with what I say, feel free to express your views, but don’t turn it into a flame war. Arguing will not get both sides anywhere, and besides, I’m no lawyer or politician, heh.
Well, that’s the first post for this blog. Lets see how things go along. :)
I'm a human with all the usual stuff, so there is not really not much to say, heh.
Animation is my job and life and I pretty much do it 24/7, well almost 24/7. I currently work in an animation studio that does animated series, commercials etc.
Occasionally I do illustration as a way to work off steam, or to put something that I have in my mind into a medium. Most of the sketches you might see here are mostly from that. At the same time you might encounter rants ranging from the government to work related stuff, so do bear with it.
I also play electric bass, though I'm still a novice and is far from the likes of Victor Wooten, Jaco Pastorious, etc. I'm also a huge fan for Warwick basses, you gotta love the sound!